2009-09-26 22:34:34 UTC
Research on discrimination and stigmatization of persons who have
survived non-state actor torture, including ritual abuse-torture,
spousal and child torture
Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald are asking persons who have endured,
or are enduring, non-state actor torture such as ritual abuse-torture,
or spousal and child torture to participate in their research
questionnaire linked below:
Non-state actor torture is defined as torture committed, for instance,
by parents, spouses, other kin, guardians, neighbours, trusted adults,
or strangers in the private sphere, for example, in homes, warehouses,
cabins, rented buildings, in fields, or in various public and private
Discrimination is described as being treated unjustly and stigmatized
is being treated as unworthy or labeled after telling a non-offender
about the torture endured.
Contact: ***
for more information on Ritual Abuse-Torture see:
The Times Poll - 22% in Survey Were Child Abuse Victims By Lois
Timmick Times Staff Writer 4/25/85 At least 22% of Americans have been
victims of child sexual abuse, although one-third of them told no one
at the time and lived with their secret well into adulthood, a Los
Angeles Times Poll has found. In what is believed to be the first
nationwide study of the extent of child molestation, 2,627 adults,
chosen randomly, talked about their views of the problem and their own
childhood experiences, and in the process they shattered some myths
about victims, perpetrators and public attitudes. Twenty-seven percent
of the women who participated in the telephone survey and 16% of the
men said they had been molested as children--suggesting that the
problem is more widespread than earlier, smaller studies have
suggested....Abusers include friends and acquaintances (42%),
strangers (27%) and relatives (23%). About half the abusers could be
classified as "someone in authority."
Fewer than half the victims told someone--usually a parent, other
relative or friend--about being molested within a year. Only 3%
reported the incident to the police or other public agency.
One in three of the victims said they had never told anyone about the
molestation until this survey, most often because they were afraid or
ashamed, but in 10% of the cases because they did not consider the
abuse serious. Seven of 10 who did tell said no effective action was
The public appears to have been well educated about some aspects of
child sexual abuse. The respondents correctly perceived that molesters
are more likely to be someone the victim knows than a stranger.
Friends or acquaintances accounted for 44% of the molestations that
involved sexual intercourse, the poll found, while 25% of the
intercourse was perpetrated by relatives, usually an uncle but
sometimes a parent or stepparent, and 19% by "strangers."
More than half the victims--and 47% of the public--agree with the
statement that "sexual assault within families is very common."....As
for the effects of sexual abuse on children, 95% of those polled say
they believe that sexual abuse would have a "very great" or "some
effect" on its young victims--mostly in emotional damage--and would
permanently affect their lives. Victims agreed with that assessment.
These Los Angeles Times Poll results are from responses from 2,627
adults nationwide questioned between July 20-25. 22% said they have
been a victim of child sexual abuse, including 27% of all women asked
and 16% of men asked.
The Times Poll - Children's Abuse Reports Reliable, Most Believe
By Los Timnick Times Staff Writer 4/26/85 Most Americans believe that
children can reliably describe sexual abuse that occurred years
before, and those who are aware of the McMartin Pre-School molestation
case believe that at least some of the child witnesses are telling the
truth, a nationwide Los Angeles Times poll has found. Seventy-nine
percent of those polled said they are "certain" that children under 13
are capable of giving accurate accounts of much earlier events, and
86% of those who had themselves been victimized as children said those
accounts should be believed....One in three of those familiar with the
McMartin case said they believe that "most" of the children had been
sexually abused, and half said they believe that at least "some" had
been molested. Ninety percent of those who identified themselves as
having been child victims of sexual intercourse said they believe at
least some of the child witnesses' testimony.
VDAY - International Incest Statistics
Research on discrimination and stigmatization of persons who have
survived non-state actor torture, including ritual abuse-torture,
spousal and child torture
Jeanne Sarson and Linda MacDonald are asking persons who have endured,
or are enduring, non-state actor torture such as ritual abuse-torture,
or spousal and child torture to participate in their research
questionnaire linked below:
Non-state actor torture is defined as torture committed, for instance,
by parents, spouses, other kin, guardians, neighbours, trusted adults,
or strangers in the private sphere, for example, in homes, warehouses,
cabins, rented buildings, in fields, or in various public and private
Discrimination is described as being treated unjustly and stigmatized
is being treated as unworthy or labeled after telling a non-offender
about the torture endured.
Contact: ***
for more information on Ritual Abuse-Torture see:
The Times Poll - 22% in Survey Were Child Abuse Victims By Lois
Timmick Times Staff Writer 4/25/85 At least 22% of Americans have been
victims of child sexual abuse, although one-third of them told no one
at the time and lived with their secret well into adulthood, a Los
Angeles Times Poll has found. In what is believed to be the first
nationwide study of the extent of child molestation, 2,627 adults,
chosen randomly, talked about their views of the problem and their own
childhood experiences, and in the process they shattered some myths
about victims, perpetrators and public attitudes. Twenty-seven percent
of the women who participated in the telephone survey and 16% of the
men said they had been molested as children--suggesting that the
problem is more widespread than earlier, smaller studies have
suggested....Abusers include friends and acquaintances (42%),
strangers (27%) and relatives (23%). About half the abusers could be
classified as "someone in authority."
Fewer than half the victims told someone--usually a parent, other
relative or friend--about being molested within a year. Only 3%
reported the incident to the police or other public agency.
One in three of the victims said they had never told anyone about the
molestation until this survey, most often because they were afraid or
ashamed, but in 10% of the cases because they did not consider the
abuse serious. Seven of 10 who did tell said no effective action was
The public appears to have been well educated about some aspects of
child sexual abuse. The respondents correctly perceived that molesters
are more likely to be someone the victim knows than a stranger.
Friends or acquaintances accounted for 44% of the molestations that
involved sexual intercourse, the poll found, while 25% of the
intercourse was perpetrated by relatives, usually an uncle but
sometimes a parent or stepparent, and 19% by "strangers."
More than half the victims--and 47% of the public--agree with the
statement that "sexual assault within families is very common."....As
for the effects of sexual abuse on children, 95% of those polled say
they believe that sexual abuse would have a "very great" or "some
effect" on its young victims--mostly in emotional damage--and would
permanently affect their lives. Victims agreed with that assessment.
These Los Angeles Times Poll results are from responses from 2,627
adults nationwide questioned between July 20-25. 22% said they have
been a victim of child sexual abuse, including 27% of all women asked
and 16% of men asked.
The Times Poll - Children's Abuse Reports Reliable, Most Believe
By Los Timnick Times Staff Writer 4/26/85 Most Americans believe that
children can reliably describe sexual abuse that occurred years
before, and those who are aware of the McMartin Pre-School molestation
case believe that at least some of the child witnesses are telling the
truth, a nationwide Los Angeles Times poll has found. Seventy-nine
percent of those polled said they are "certain" that children under 13
are capable of giving accurate accounts of much earlier events, and
86% of those who had themselves been victimized as children said those
accounts should be believed....One in three of those familiar with the
McMartin case said they believe that "most" of the children had been
sexually abused, and half said they believe that at least "some" had
been molested. Ninety percent of those who identified themselves as
having been child victims of sexual intercourse said they believe at
least some of the child witnesses' testimony.
VDAY - International Incest Statistics